NYSERDA Small Business and Not-for-Profit On-Bill Recovery Loan Program

The NYSERDA Small Business and Not-for-Profit On-Bill Recovery Loan Program is repaid on-bill, so utility customers:
- Pay for improvements through a monthly loan charge on their utility bill
- Decrease energy consumption
- Reduce utility bills
The fine print
There’s no catch! If you meet the loan terms, you have a fixed interest rate that will not change; and there’s no penalty for paying early.
Eligible Borrowers: Small businesses with 100 employees or less and not-for-profit organizations that own, lease or manage their building or lease space within the building and have a release from the building owner to apply for financing through the program.
The borrower must be named on the utility account of one of the following participating utilities: Central Hudson, Con Edison, PSEG Long Island, National Grid (upstate NY customers only), New York State Electric and Gas Corporation, Orange & Rockland, Rochester Gas and Electric.
All individuals or legal entity representatives names on the property deed must sign the On Bill Recovery Declaration as part of the loan document package.
Eligible Properties: Non-residential structures. A building that is used or occupied by a small business or a not-for-profit corporation.
Loan Type: Unsecured
Loan Amounts: $5,000 - $50,000
Loan Terms: Up to 10 years. The loan term cannot exceed the useful life of equipment or improvement installed.
Loan Rate: The Wall Street Journal Prime Rate of Interest + 2%, fixed at closing for the term of the loan.
What qualifies for financing?
This program is designed to encourage the installation of high efficiency measures to increase the energy efficiency of your small business. All energy efficiency measures to be installed must meet minimum efficiency requirements as noted below. To be eligible:
- The payback period is a maximum of 10 years, and the project must be approved by NYSERDA.
- The estimated annual energy savings must be greater than estimated annual loan payments.
Solar (PV) Projects. Subject to project approval by NY-SUN.
Air Source or Ground Source Heat Pump Projects. If the system is equal to or greater than 300,000 BTUs/hour, then utility approval is required for the system to be eligible for financing.
Energy Efficiency Projects. Energy efficiency improvements identified on qualified energy assessments will be considered for financing. Services can include but are not limited to:
- Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- Building Envelope
- Lighting
- Domestic or Service Hot Water
- Controls
- Business Processes (Kitchens, Laundries, Air Compression etc.)
Calculate your loan costs
Use our loan calculator to get a quick estimate of your monthly and total payment before you apply.
I'm ready to apply
The NYSERDA Small Business and Not-for-Profit On-Bill Recovery Loan Program is available to small businesses in New York. Before you submit your application, please note:
- For energy efficiency projects, please contact NYSERDA to obtain approval on your project prior to applying for a loan. You can reach the approval team by email at gjgnysbnfp@nyserda.ny.gov .
No fee is required to apply. A $150 processing fee applies to all approved loans. This fee may be paid by check upon loan approval. Checks received as payment for processing fees will not be returned or refunded.
- Download and complete the PDF application
- Email, mail or fax the completed application to Energy Finance Solutions at the following address:
Energy Finance Solutions
431 Catalyst Way
Madison, WI 53719
Fax: 608.249.5788